Difference between renewable and non-renewable energy


Technology is carving itself every second; we are used to it and cannot live without technology anywhere. While living in the house technology is all around us, in the office we use the latest machinery and software to mage work processes. The route that’s covered with a vehicle is also a technology. The blog you are reading through the phone or on a computer is a technology.

The energy we use to run tech gadgets is also generated through a piece of technology. We have two different ways to generate electricity. The one is renewable which is purely green, clean, and less cost consuming. The second one is non-renewable energy, this resource is exhaustible, has many disadvantages like cause pollution to the environment, and it is more costly. Let’s dive into the ocean of these two energy resources.

What is renewable resource?

Renewable resources are those which cannot be exhausted even when you waste it after generating. As renewable resources, we have wind energy, hydro energy, solar power energy, biomass fuel, and geothermal power. The use of renewable resources will help you in reducing energy costs. They didn’t cause any damage to the environment that’s why renewable resources are known as clean and green energy.

Advantages of renewable resources

1)           It won’t finish

The best part about renewable resources is that it won’t run out because the energy generates directly from natural resources like sun’s source, windsource, water source, and biomass, they have no end. It doesn’t matter you are using it or wasting it after generating, it can be generated again without any charges applying.

2)           Need less maintenance

According to the researches, renewable resources need less maintenance than those big and noisy generators that run on fuel. This is because of the technology used in generating green energy has few or no moving parts like solar power system, wind turbines. Also, they didn’t need flames to generate energy.

3)           Money saver

Energy costs can be knocked out by installing a technology that generates energy and light up the house or offices. Solar power systems are the most common technology that can be seen everywhere.

4)           Environmental friendly

Renewable sources of energy emit very less or no greenhouse gas that causes damage to the environment, also a big reason for global warming. It doesn’t release carbon footprints that cause damage to the environment.

Disadvantages of renewable resources

1)           Higher initial cost

Renewable resources are expensive than traditional resources (generator). Most people are using solar power systems in Brisbane today but it has higher installation costs. When you will learn more about it this point will not be on the disadvantage list.

2)           Aren’t available 24/7

Renewable resources like solar energy can’t be generated at nights and sometimes cloudy and rainy days will make a problem in generating energy. Drought can stop you from making energy from water. But these points have an alternative like solar power system has off-grid and hybrid solar power systems.

3)           Need storage capacity

Because it is not available 24/7, you have to store it for the backup and for the future days when the generation of energy is not possible. That is the reason its initial cost is higher.

What are non renewable resources?

Non-renewable resources are exhaustible and cannot replace once depleted. The most common examples of non-renewable resources that we use are coal, mineral and metal ores, crude oil, and nuclear energy.

Advantages of non-renewable resources

1)           More powerful

Non-renewable resources are powerful and high in energy. Its resources like fuel and oil provide more energy and more powerful than renewable resources like solar and wind energy. 

2)           Traditional energy 

According to some people, new technology related to renewable resources cannot take place of their traditional resources like oil, coal, and fuel.

3)           Easy to store

As compared to renewable energy resources, non-renewable resources are easy to store.

4)           Easy availability

Non-renewable resources available everywhere, and can be used without installing big systems by the people who cannot afford to generate energy from renewable resources.


Disadvantages of non-renewable resources

1)           Time-consuming 

Non-renewable resources are time-consuming as coal can be taken out through mining, like this all the resources take time to get into shape.

2)           Not good for health

Non-renewable resources like fossil fuel release carbon footprints into the environment. That causes damage to our health, also damages the environment and it is one of the major reasons for global warming.

3)           Exhaustible 

Non-renewable resources are getting vanishing every day and that day is near when our next generation will see these things only in their books.

4)           Dangerous while transportation

Coal and oil transport in ships, trucks, and trains. The chances of accident increase because they are flammable and if get in contact with any flammable thing the whole package will burn, also can harm the persons who are transporting.


Difference between renewable and non-renewable resources

1)        Depletion 

Renewable resources cannot be exhausted as they come directly from nature while non-renewable resources deplete over time.

2)        Source

Sunlight, water, wind, and geothermal are the sources of renewable energy. Non-renewable energy includes coal and petroleum also called fossil fuel.

3)        Impact on the environment

Renewable energy has very less or no negative impact on the environment where non-renewable energy does a highly negative impact on the environment as it releases carbon footprints.

4)        Initial cost

The initial cost of installing technology to generate green energy is higher but it repays that cost because the fuel is free. A non-renewable resource is expensive at implementation as well as for the fuel.

5)        Requirement of area 

Renewable sources require a larger area to generate energy, especially for solar and wind plants. Non-renewable source requires a lower area.

Sunny Sky Solar, the solar energy source

Sunny Sky Solar is a leading solar installer in Brisbane that deals in the tremendous range of solar power systems that include 5KW solar panel system, 6KW solar power system, 10KW solar power system, and many more. The advantages are very impressive in renewable resources that can cover all the drawbacks. So, make a good solar choice for your house or office, generate free energy, and enjoy a green & clean environment.


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